Monday, January 29, 2007

Keeping A Distance from Girlfriend

I am trying a new method to make our relationship last longer. I am keeping distance with my girlfriend. I like to keep a distance from her from time to time so we will be missing each other more often. It is hard to do it since she was used to be always with me. I am training her to be away with me from time to time so that when I go to Australia, she would not miss me so much. I do love her but sacrifices have to be made in order to maintain our wonderful relationship.

I do think it is working. At first, she was angry at me for leaving her but when we see each other again after several days, she missed me so much. There is so much fun in it and I am able to do the things that I enjoy, ALONE.

My Australia dream is getting nearer, I just need funds to pay the necessary fees. I am sure that my life will be much greater there and I will be able to help a lot of people working there than staying here at the Philippines. There is so much Politics and Poverty here, I love my country and I have not given up on it.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My Girlfriend Left Me

She went to Australia for 5 days for her conference. We still keep in touch through SMS. I truly do miss her though. It is tough when someone you love goes away. I really am not used to be away from her for a long time.

It's hard to sleep these past few days. I think I have insomnia. Even though I was drunk the other day because of Erik's son's christening at Teresa, I still have not slept.

I am thinking of looking for other work. The work here does not fit me. It is also too far for me, I go here everyday from Quezon City to Laguna, 4 hours of my time is wasted everyday because of travel. I have not slept so good since I have to wake up very early everyday and sleep very late.

I guess I will still pray for answers to my problems.

Here are 20 tips for someone who has a difficulty sleeping

1. Try to go to bed at the same time every night. This helps condition your body to sleep during the sleep phase of your biological clock. Once this happens, your emotional disposition will greatly improve.
2. Cut back on coffee, tea and soft drinks that contain caffeine. Most colored soft drinks contain enough caffeine to keep you awake. Clear soft drinks such as 7-Up and Sprite contain no caffeine.
3. Avoid eating large, heavy meals before going to bed.
4. Deep physical relaxation can greatly enhance your ability to fall asleep when you want and to stay asleep once you are there. Follow these directions and you will become deeply relaxed. Lie down and get comfortable. Close your eyes and do some deep breathing to get rid of your surface tension. Next, visualize or imagine that you have tiny faucets at the end of each finger and at the end of each toe. The faucets are all turned on and all the stress and tension in your body is draining out through these faucets. Feel it happening as you watch the stress and tension running out of the faucets. Now, concentrate on your feet and imagine that the muscles of your feet are becoming as loose and limp as a cooked piece of spaghetti. Spend a few minutes focusing on your feet and let them relax. Don't try to make it happen. Focus on that cooked piece of spaghetti and just let your muscles go. They will relax. Next, concentrate on the muscles of your calves. Spend a few minutes there and let them relax. Then focus on your thighs and let them relax. Work up your body letting each part relax. Relax your buttocks, stomach, chest, back, shoulders, arms, hands, neck, head and face. As you relax each successive part of your body, the next part will become easier to relax. Don't rush yourself. Focus on your muscles becoming just as loose and limp as that cooked piece of spaghetti. As you do, your body will drift into a deep state of physical relaxation. If you are not already asleep, you will be able to drift asleep at this point.
5. Have a glass of warm milk about 30 minutes before bed-time. Milk contains L-tryptophan and that boosts the serotonin in your brain. The serotonin causes you to become sleepy and to fall asleep easily. L-tryptophan is also abundant in turkey and it's believed to be the culprit responsible for that post-Thanksgiving dinner drowsiness.
6. Don't use your bedroom as a place to work. It conditions your body to become alert and stressed instead of relaxed.
7. Avoid alcoholic drinks in the evening. Alcohol may help you fall asleep easily but it leads to erratic sleep that is not restful and may also lead to early morning wakefulness.
8. Listen to calm, soothing music that will transform your mind and body into a deeply relaxed state. There are all kinds of cassette tapes and CDs geared to help you relax and sleep. Try some and find the ones that work for you.
9. Take a warm bath before bedtime. It will relax your body and prepare it for sleep. Research indicates that cold or very hot baths tend to energize and wake you.
10. Buy a comfortable mattress and pillow. Being physically uncomfortable can lead to serious wakefulness.
11. Practice deep breathing exercises. It will help you be calm and stay relaxed all day and will help you fall asleep and stay asleep at night. Try this exercise. Lie down on your back and close your eyes. Lay your hands on your stomach -- between your ribs and naval. Now inhale deeply so it feels like your stomach is filling with air. As you inhale, your stomach and hands should rise. This is breathing from or through your diaphragm. Once you have filled your body with clean, fresh air, exhale and let the air flow out naturally. Don't try to force it out. Now get into the rhythm of inhaling and exhaling at a relaxed pace. Continue for five or ten minutes. Your whole body should relax and sleep should come more easily. There are some people that recommend you inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. It doesn't appear to really matter so do whatever feels most comfortable for you.
12. Avoid naps if they interfere with your normal sleeping.
13. Moderate exercise on a daily basis appears to help with normal sleep patterns. Just don't exercise within an hour before going to bed. The exercise will stimulate your adrenaline and will wake you up.
14. If you are still awake after 30 minutes, get up and do something until you feel sleepy and then try again. Staying in bed while you feel awake conditions your body as well as your mind to associate your bed with wakefulness and/or anxiety.
15. Once you are in bed and comfortable, visualize that you are someplace very peaceful and safe. You can go to what I call your inner sanctuary. To do this, you visualize or see in your mind's eye, someplace you consider safe and relaxing. It can be someplace real or someplace you just imagine. It can look anyway you want because it's your fantasy place. Now visualize that you are there and allow yourself to let go and relax. As you do, you can allow yourself to feel relaxed, to feel safe and you can visualize or imagine yourself drifting into a deeply relaxing sleep.
16. Establish a bedtime ritual before going to sleep in order to key your body to relax. Follow the ritual every night. This helps to condition your brain to sleep at a specified time.
17. Sleep in a well-ventilated room with the temperature cool enough to cool your body (60 -- 65 degrees is considered best for restful sleeping). Temperatures that are too warm interfere with normal, restful sleep.
18. Keep your bedroom dark. Light coming through our eyelids interferes with our normal sleep cycle by sending signals to our brain that its daylight and time to wake up. If you can't keep your bedroom dark, you can accomplish the same thing by wearing a mask over your eyes.
19. Don't watch TV, read or do any other mentally stimulating activities before going to bed. Anything that stimulates your mind should be avoided prior to going to bed unless you want to lay their thinking about what you saw or read.
20. Research indicates that sleeping on your back is the best position for relaxing. It allows for the deepest, restful breathing. At the same time, avoid sleeping on your stomach. It causes pressure on your lungs and results in shallow breathing. The deeper you breathe, the greater the relaxation.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

What the World Needs Now

Is love, sweet love! The world needs love right now. I remember how beautiful it is to be cuddled by someone you love. It is nice when you go home from work and to be greeted with kisses and enthusiasm by someone you dearly love. And that is my reason why I go home to our apartment everyday from work, enduring the 2 hour trips from Laguna to Quezon City by riding the shuttle from Laguna to Makati and riding the Metro Rail Transit(MRT) from Makati to the FX terminal, then riding the FX taxi from the MRT to Road 20 then crossing the busy street of Mindanao Ave. with no stop lights or pedestrian lane. What a sacrifice? I could die from accident, muggers, terrorists or hit and runs. I could have just rented a nearby apartment at Cabuyao, Laguna for only 2000 pesos a month, but I did not. It is love that drives me to this sacrifices that allows me to continue what I am doing. I really am happy and fulfilled, knowing that when I get home, I have a beautiful girlfriend waiting for me.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Alone... Restless

Yawn! I feel so restless. I slept at 3am this morning and have to wake up at 4am to go to work at Wartsila. Yawn!

Yesterday was very relaxing. We went to Exotica in Laguna to look at the obese snake named Samantha. It was a restaurant that serves Filipino exotic foods like salamander, sharks, frogs and other weird and exotic stuff.

The scenery was nice as we go back home after our snack at Exotica. I was with my brother-in-law, my sister and their two sons. Rocky, the older brother, suddenly farted inside the car. It stinks so bad that I called it radioactive fart. It also stinked so bad that Apa, the younger son, puked inside the car. Talk about gross nephews, hehehe. But I like them both a lot even though they are so gross.

I better get back to work. As a safety officer of the plant, I need to be alert. Fatigue and sleeplessness is one of the factor that contributes to safety. I already had an accident because of my restlessness. I should have not gone to work today. It is a waste if I didn't report to work. I will lose $20 if I didn't report today and its a big money for someone like me especially in a third world country.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Holidays are Over

Its January and the Christmas Holidays are over now. Let me give you a recap of what I did this season.

I spent Christmas at our house in Tanay, Rizal. We went to Church with my sisters, nephews and brother-in-law before our christmas Dinner. Technology has been used in our church because the priest used Projectors in order for people outside the church to see and hear the word of God. During the Mass, it was nice to reminisce the old days where I served God as a Knight of the Altar and I always completed the Misa de Gallo. After the Mass and Christmas dinner we exchanged gifts and I got my usual polo shirt, shaving cream, and T-shirt. The kids loved their toys and it was nice to hear people appreciating each other gifts. After the gift giving, my friends texted me so we could meet for a night of beer until morning. I got out with baby white (my car) and fetched each one of them from their home. I started with Bobby then Lucky, then Erik, then Tonio, Allan and Xian (he was already asleep so I just did'nt want to wake him up. We bought Colt 45's and some junk food and ice then we went to our favorite spot in the Lake View in Pililla, Rizal. It was cold but the beer and jackets made us warm. The jokes and conversations was nice. It was the greatest and happiest times in our lives where we just talked non-sense and forget our problems. We all went home drunk and I could still drive, thank God nothing bad happened.

The Christmas Morning came and I woke up with a hang-over because I was drunk that night. My God sons and daughters came to our house to get their Christmas Money (100 pesos each) but I was too drunk to give it to them. I did not wake up for them, so instead my older sisters just take the money out of my pocket and gives it to them. I was such a scrooge, sleeping at Christmas Day. After I woke up I took off to go to Bulacan so I could see my girlfriend. I also gave christmas money to her siblings and to her Mom who is suffering from rheumatism at the back. I slept at their house before I went to Quezon city to prepare for my subic Trip with her.

The Subic trip was my itenerary. I have work there and I was facilitating the Wartsila Land And Sea Academy construction. I also did my safety inspection and I got the Lease contract. I did all my work there and it seems like a vacation for both of us. My girlfriend stayed at Legenda Hotel which was a Christmas gift from someone close to me. We were also treated to a dinner for two at the Seafood by the Bay restaurant. It was nice to be there with your girlfriend.

We went home to Tanay from Subic and we stopped over to Bocaue, Bulacan to get some fireworks as a tradition during New Year. It was our custom to celebrate the New Year with loud bangs from Judas Belt and some nice lights from the pyrotechnics that we bought. It will ward off the evil spirits and bring light to wealth and happiness. Every year filipinos do that and every year some casulaties happen because of the Dangers of exploding firecrackers.

I did not celebrate New Year at our house. My girlfriend and I went to their house in Bulacan to celebrate New Year. It was so loud because Bulacan is the center of fireworks making. We also had our New Year dinner and went to sleep afterwards. After New Year we went home to Quezon City to prepare for work the other day.