Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Birthdays and Gifts

I opened my ebay account username plumping.pinksoda and I was looking for a birthday gift to my wife. I thought it was so easy to find a gift for her but I was wrong. Looking for a perfect gift is so daunting because I wanted it to be special. I imagined her smile when she looks at it and when  she opens it. The thing that makes her happy. I truly know that she is a simple girl with a simple needs, but picking a simple gift isn't that simple anymore. There are a lot a choices and you want to pick the gift that makes her smile.

Why do we always wait for the last day to get something for our loved ones? Is it because we are too busy to care? But we care enough to because when the special day comes, we scramble to find the nicest gift. We go out of our busy life just to go to the department store on the last minute. Only to find out that the gift we gave is not the one they want. 

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